EKA University of Applied Sciences (Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola) is a partner in the new project "Stimulating innovative-inclusive teaching and validated life-long learning on green entrepreneurship for deaf and hard of hearing people (DHH) through digital innovation in HEI - GREENENTRE4DEAF.”
The project′s goal is to improve higher education′s ability to make flexible pathways by starting an accredited GREEN ENTREPRENEURIAL course with a modular structure for people who work with deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Specifically, GREENENTRE4DEAF will set up ENTREGREEN LIVING HUBs to support modular courses on green and business skills for deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students.
General Objectives:
- Design new pedagogies in entrepreneurial-green programs for the deaf through setting up the GREENENTRE LIVING HUBs.
- Promote the acquisition of green skills for all citizens in order to act as agents of positive change.
- Foster social inclusion and equal opportunities by enabling deaf people to understand and communicate environmental and entrepreneurial terminology not yet interpreted.
- Promote innovative teaching and learning in higher education by enhancing the profiles of trainers, academics, educators, and teachers who work with DHH individuals. These individuals should acquire transferable, forward-looking, validated competencies, as well as green and entrepreneurial skills, along with closely related digital skills.
- Promote digital transformation, resilience, and adaptability of HEIs through innovative digitalised methods such as a mobile app of an e-GREEN ENTERPRISE TOOL to support setting up green enterprises based on needs and preferences and the VR simulator for green skills acquisition.
- Create products that are transferable, exploitable, and sustainable for use by DHH individuals as well as educators and trainers from ALL sectors.
Results Deliverables:
- Transnational Mapping Tool via story map with a collection of positive examples of green-orientated organisations employing DHH and video interviews with subtitles with entrepreneurs to provide a visual illustration of current training opportunities.
- Peer Review Report:
- List with DHH-focused green entrepreneurship programs and versatile technology use in HE across partner countries.
- The consultation reports from DHH people, professionals, and industry experts are based on meetings that took place in each country to set up a co-design strategy and get feedback for a virtual, cross-border peer review session that created and approved signs that are meant to test VR scenarios.
- A virtual peer review session among partners
- An Inclusive Green Industry Handbook for new entrepreneurs, based on CEDEFOP’s analysis of key skills in green sectors (ESCO, GREENCOMP, ENTRECOMP Frameworks). The manual will organise skills, attitudes, and knowledge into profession-specific modules for integration in VR simulations using a challenge-based approach.
- The GREENENTRE4DEAF LIVING HUB methodology that provides HEIs with comprehensive guidelines to establish inclusivity.
The target groups are:
Deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) students attending HEIs, but also other DHH learners, including adults, employees, professionals, unemployed, marginalised, etc., and other HE students.
Academics, educators, VET trainers, sign language interpreters, professionals, etc., who are working with students, young people, or adults with DHH people.
- Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, Italy
- EKA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
- European Digital Learning Network, Italy
- DISE LTD, Cyprus
- European Association of Erasmus Coordinators, Cyprus
The planned project implementation period is 24 months - 01/12/2024-30/11/2026.
The European Commission funds and supports the project "Stimulating innovative-inclusive teaching and validated life-long learning on green entrepreneurship for deaf and hard of hearing people (DHH) through digital innovation in HEI - GREENENTRE4DEAF" through the Erasmus+ program KA220-HED — "Cooperation partnerships in higher education”.