The kick-off meeting discusses the details of SHIELD project implementation
On December 2, 2024, the SHIELD project partners gathered at an online kick-off meeting to discuss and agree on the next steps in its implementation. The meeting participants were introduced to the project administration principles, implementation stages, timeline, support tools, achievable results, and financing.
At the end of the meeting, the participants also agreed on the time of the next meeting.
EKA University of Applied Sciences was represented at the meeting by EKA Vice-Rector for Science Dr.oec. Jeļena Titko and EKA Scientific Institution Project Manager Dr.oec. Kaspars Šteinbergs.
The planned project implementation period is 36 months —01.09.2024-31.08.2027.
The project "United for Cyber Safety—Up-Skilling High School Communities for Protecting Students—SHIELD" is funded and supported by the European Commission′s Erasmus+ program KA220-VET—Collaborative Partnership in Vocational Education and Training.