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Academic Master Study Programme


Study program′s graduate is a manager who knows how to manage a  company and its employees and understands company′s processes - finances, law, marketing.

Degree to be achieved: Social Sciences Master Degree in Management and Administration

Accreditation: the study programme Business Administration is accredited until August 26th, 2027.

Admission requirements

Previous education:

  • Social Science Bachelor degree or second level professional higher education in economics or management
  • Social Science Bachelor degree in other fields and at least 2 years experience in company or its department management
  • English level B2 or International English language certificate:
    TOEFL iBT – 72+
    TOEFL PBT (paper-based test) - 513+
    IELTS - 5.5 - 6.0
    TOEIC – 605+
    FCE (First Certificate in English) – 160+
    CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English) – 160+
    CPE (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)  - 160+
    Cambridge English: Business Vantage (BEC Vantage) – 160+
    Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE A) – 59+
    Cambridge English Linguaskill – 160+                                                       Duolingo - 100+

Admission reguirements for foreign students are available HERE.

Study programme aims and objectives


  • to provide students with a set of knowledge, skills and competence in management science according to the 7th level of the framework defined in the Latvian education classification;
  • educate specialists in business management with analytical and systemic thinking, whose knowledge and skills enable managing companies or organizations.


  • provide a study process that complies with the laws and requirements of the labour market, as well as student-centred approach in higher education;
  • to promote qualification development of the teaching staff in educational and scientific fields;
  • to provide and develop research activities in the study programme;
  • to provide and develop infrastructure and facilities under the study programme implementation needs;
  • to develop international cooperation with related higher education institutions, enterprises and organizations.


The structure of the Study programme: five modules and Master paper:


Management Theories

  • System of knowledge about management
  • Management theory development directions
  • Different approaches to management (System management approach, Process management approach)
  • Management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control
  • Management levels,Management styles, Management tool
  • Decision, the decision making process
  • Manager
  • Psychology of organization
  • Information Management Process
  • Conflict Management


Integrated Management Systems

Integration is a process of linking different standardised management systems into unique management system with common resources aiming to improve stakeholder’s satisfaction (M.Bernardo, Mcasadeus, S.Karapetrovic, I.Heras, 2009)

  • The concept of integrated management system
  • The model of integrated management system: structure and main elements
  • The quality standard ISO 9001
  • Environmental management standard ISO 14001
  • Occupational safety and health standard OHSAS18001
  • Risk analysis of the causes of the HACCP
  • The integration of processes and documents as the one part of the system


Human Resources and Leadership

  • Strategic human resources management
  • Corporate culture
  • Planning human resources
  • Personnel recruitment
  • Human resources training and development
  • Performance management
  • Talent management
  • Career management
  • Motivation, assessment and rewards
  • Financial and non-financial compensation
  • Leadership


Intellectual capital management

Intellectual capital is the total stocks of the collective knowledge, information, technologies, intellectual property rights, experience, organizational learning and competence, team communication systems, customer relations, and brands that are able to create values for a firm(T.Stewart).

  • The concept of intellectual capital and nature
  • The structure of intellectual capital
  • Intellectual capital and knowledge management
  • Intellectual capital management
  • Intellectual capital evaluation methods
  • Intellectual capital investments
  • Intellectual capital influence on company’s performance


Strategic and Change Management

  • The essence and importance of strategic management
  • Process of strategic management
  • The types of organization strategies
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of strategic management
  • The nature and causes of change, types of change
  • Change Management Process
  • The planning and methods of change implementation
  • Resistance to change, management
  • Communication during change process
  • Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate finance management
  • Theory of finance
  • Financial markets and investments
  • Financial institutions
  • Financial planning, analysis and reporting system
  • Integrated financial reports and international auditing and accountant standards


Business value management

  • The concept of business value
  • Valuation principles and objectives
  • Valuation fundamentals: Income approach, Market approach, Asset approach
  • Business performance forecasting
  • Equity capital and debt capital valuation
  • Risk-free rates and risk premiums
  • Terminal value
  • Market approach: profit, balance sheet and sector multipliers
  • Intangible assets valuation
  • Business value management and value metric


Business Risk Management

  • Risk management process
  • Risk management system
  • Risk identification
  • Risk assessment
  • Statistical methods of risk assessment - express, coefficient, complex factor
  • Risk assessment matrix
  • Risk assessment ccoreboard
  • The choice of the risk management strategy and development of an action program



 International law

  • Introduction to international law
  • Individuals and legal persons in international law
  • Competition, International aspects of consumer protection and advertising regulatory framework
  • International transactions
  • International Trade legislation. WTO, GATT, Incoterms, Unidroit, Uncitral.
  • International labor law
  • International financial operations.
  • Legal protection of international transactions


Intellectual property Protection

  • Intellectual property, its concept, essence, types
  • Copyright and related rights
  • Trademarks, patents, domain names, design rights
  • The protection of inventions
  • Protection against counterfeiting and piracy
  • Unfair competition
  • Intellectual Property Agreements
  • Intellectual property litigation
  • International business and intellectual property protection


 Marketing strategy and competitive positioning

  • Market-led strategic management
  • Strategic marketing planning
  • The changing market environment
  • Customer analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Forecasting future demand and market requirements
  • Segmentation and positioning principles
  • Segmentation and positioning research
  • Selecting target markets
  • Creating sustainable competitive advantage
  • Competing through innovation
  • Competing through superior service and customer relationships
  • Strategic customer management
  • Strategy implementation and internal marketing



  • Internet business basics
  • The principles of e-business
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web analytics
  • Online advertising and pay per click
  • E-mail marketing
  • Blogging and podcasting
  • Social media marketing
  • Mobile marketing


Cross-cultural management

  • The concept of culture, cultural models
  • Stereotypes, generalizations
  • Fundamentals of Communication: analysis of verbal and other signals
  • Cross-cultural differences and diversity awareness  
  • Otherness issues of hierarchy, individualism, age, women′s and men′s roles, family, distance
  • Diversity with respect to communication
  • Different cultural attitudes to time
  • Tact and sensitivity with regard to religion, success and priorities
  • Trust and truth in the context of intercultural context
  • Communication Risk Management 
  • Persuasion and influence techniques in different cultures
  • The management and decision-making styles in different cultures
  • Meetings, negotiation, presentation
  • Hospitality, visiting, gift-giving habits


Introduction to studies
  • Introduction in the Higher Education System of the Latvian Republic. Academic education for Business Administration master′s degree
  • Study program content, requirements and learning outcomes
  • The study process organization at EKA University of Applied Sciences
  • The EKA University of Applied Sciences E-environment and its opportunities
  • The EKA University of Applied Sciences Library and other Libraries Resources
    • Printed Information sources
    • Electronic Information sources


Research Methods and organization of academic work

  • Research process in study process
    • Research Methods
    • Research Design
    • IT resources for research
  • Work in the library - registration, information search in the catalogue of databases, books and other sources of information ordering from libraries of Latvia and abroad
  • Academic Writing
    • Scientific Writing style
    • The structure of Scientific paper
    • The structure of Scientific article
    • Citations, bibliographical references and different ways of referencing. The styles and standards of indications and references
  • Technical design requirements
  • Presentation of study results
  • Academic ethics, academic honesty
  • Plagiarism

Learning outcomes of the study programme

Knowledge (knowledge and understanding):

  • knows management theories and approaches to manage organisations;
  • understands the principles of business management and business performance;
  • knows the latest trends in management science.

Skills (ability to apply knowledge, communication skills, general skills):

  • is able to manage the organization activities;
  • is able to apply the newest knowledge and technologies of management science in organization management;
  • is able to conduct research on organisation management processes;
  • is able to reasonably discuss aspects of management science;
  • is able to take responsibility for the results of working groups and carry out their analysis;
  • is able to organise their work independently.

Competence (analysis, synthesis, evaluation):

  • is able to formulate and critically analyse complex scientific and professional problems in management science;
  • is able to find innovative solutions to identified problems in the organisation;
  • is able to make reasoned decisions in the management of the organisation in accordance with ethical standards.

Period of studies

Full-time studies - 2 years

Study schedule is designed for employed students and those who have other important tasks during the day:

  • video lectures live according to study schedule from 18:30 to 20:30 twice a week (IMPORTANT: those are online lectures not records, thus professors and students can communicate, show different documents, answer questions etc.);
  • all lectures later could be watched as records until the end of the study course (very important to those who cannot attend lectures due to objective reasons or are late to lectures);
  • seminars, teamwork, discussions, consultations - on Saturdays according to study schedule from 09:00 to 17:00.


Enrollment Criteria:

  • Bachelor or professional bachelor degree in management or economics;
  • Second level professional higher (the fifth level of qualification) education in management or economics or related spheres; 
  • Higher education in other sectors of social sciences.


Leading Lecturers

Professor, Dr. oec., Mg.sc.ing. Inga Sina.

She is the author or co-author of several scientific publications, co-author of two books: “Vide un ekonomika”(Environment and Economics) and “Green Economics: Policy and Practice in Eastern Europe”.

20 years of experience in Latvian commercial banks and European financial companies, as well as work with European structural funds in management positions. 13 years of experience in leading one of the largest private charity funds in Latvia.

Professor, Dr. oec. Jelena Titko.

Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation at the EKA University of Applied Sciences. Managing editor of the journal „Economics and Culture”, author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, a member of the Association of Latvian HEI Professors.

Previous working experience in banking and at the Department of Corporate Finance and Economics of Riga Technical University. Areas of research interest: performance management and customer relationship management in banking, drivers of a bank value, service quality and customer satisfaction, valuation of a company, financial literacy.

Jelena Titko can be contacted at: jelena.titko@eka.edu.lv 

Associate Professor, Dr.oec. Oksana Lentjušenkova.

More than 10 years of experience in leadership positions in higher education institutions and more than 15 years of educational experience working with various student groups. Working with students tries to combine modern trends and current events of management theory with practical examples based on personal experience and research of real situation in Latvia and abroad. Main research interest is

More than 10 years of experience in leadership positions in higher education institutions and more than 15 years of educational experience working with various student groups. Working with students tries to combine modern trends and current events of management theory with practical examples based on personal experience and research of real situation in Latvia and abroad. Main research interest is the management of company′s intellectual capital. Motto: "There is nothing impossible, only false defined goal".

Associate Professor, Dr.sc.administr. Ilze Sproģe.

Obtained her doctor’s degree in management science, public management specialty. Academic interests are related to the economy, problems of the financial management in companies, competitiveness, problems of Latvia’s economic development, incl. tax policy. Chairwoman of the Latvian Council of Science’s Humanities and social sciences experts commission. Produced over 50 different publications (including international peer-reviewed editions) and three monographs.Practical work experience in the field of accounting and taxation.

Dr.oec. Anna Svirina.

She has graduated in 2001 from Kazan National Research Technical University and continued her research and teaching at the same university, and in 2011 became Dr.oec. Anna Svirina had taught in Czech Republic, UK, Germany, Finland, and Bulgaria. She also has job experience as an entrepreneur, is involved in industry business planning since 2007, had been an advisor for the regional government since 2012. Anna Svirina holds several awards in teaching excellence on the national and international level, is the author of 5 textbooks and more, than 100 scientific papers. Her research interests are in the field of international business and business development.




June 21, till 15:00. June 24, CLOSED.



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