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The research direction within social sciences covers such topics as social entrepreneurship, social enterprise business models, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and attitudes towards CSR, business ethics, social value creation, integrated and other non-financial reporting, as well as social, environmental, and governance (ESG) issues, inequalities, student competencies for managing social aspects of business activities.

The activities conducted within the framework of this research direction align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 8 “Decent work and economic growth” and SDG 10 “Reduced inequalities”.


Research coordinator:

Dr.psych. Kristīne Užule, Researcher, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia).

Kristīne UžuleShe is an expert of Latvian Council for Science in two areas – economics, management, and educational sciences Her research publications include entrepreneurship, management, digitalization and competences.  She has participated in European research projects on digital and green competences. She is a member of the Center of Human Resources Management, editorial board of European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS), and etECH conference organising committees. 

E-mail: kristine.uzule@eka.edu.lv

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2633-6069

LinkedIn profile

Research team members



    Research papers:

    • Sannikova A., Vevere, V., & Titko J. (2023). Competences necessary for a social entrepreneur: Latvian case study. Business Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.3846/btp.2023.19703, SCOPUS Q2
    • Titko, J., Tambovceva, T., Atstaja, Dz., Lapinskaite, I., Solesvik, M., Svirina, A., Uzule, K. (2023). Attitude towards sustainable entrepreneurship among students: Pilot study in Latvia and Lithuania. TalTech Journal of European Studies, 13(1)/(37), 107-132. https://doi.org/10.2478/bjes-2023-0006, SCOPUS Q2
    • Uzule, K. (2023). Integrated reporting as a model for sustainability management reporting: the case of Northeastern European airports. Aviation, 27(4), 259-271. https://doi.org/10.3846/aviation.2023.20607 SCOPUS Q3
    • Vevere, V., Shina, I., & Ganina, S. (2022). Corporate social responsibility as a factor promoting customer loyalty in the Latvian retail sector. European Integration Studies, 16, 135-149. https://doi.org/10.5755/j01.eis.1.16.31325
    • Vevere, V., Shina, I., Meistere, Z., & Linina, I. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on social entrepreneurship in Latvia in the European Union context. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences”, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic, 1464-1474.
    • Vevere, V., Sannikova, A., & Linina, I. (2022). Business students’ perception of social entrepreneurship in Latvia and study curriculum development. Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management”. https://doi.org/10.3846/bm.2022.731
    • Zariņa, V., Svirina, A., Shina, I. & Uzule, K. (2022).The relationship between the industry-level economic development and human development in Latvia. Economics and Culture, 19(2) 70-80. https://doi.org/10.2478/jec-2022-0017, SCOPUS
    • Medne, I., & Ņikadimovs, O. (2022). Corporate social responsibility reporting as an important communication tool: Some evidence from Latvia. Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia, 30(1, 2), 5-24. https://doi.org/10.22364/hssl.30.01
    • Vevere, V., Cerkovskis, E., & Sannikova, A. (2021). Social entrepreneurship intentions among business students in Latvia. European Integration Studies, 15, 251-259. WOS:000697502100020
    • Sannikova, A., & Titko, J. (2021). Social entrepreneurship and social inequality: A case study of Latvia. In Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings, 55, 188-195. https://doi.org/10.22616/ESRD.2021.55.019
    • Titko, J., Svirina, A., Tambovceva, T., & Skvarciany, V. (2021). Differences in attitude to corporate social responsibility among generations. Sustainability, 13(19), 10944. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910944 SCOPUS WOS:000707461000001  Q2
    • Titko, J., Skvarciany, V., & Tambovceva, T. (2021). Corporate social responsibility perceived by employees: Latvian survey results. Central European Business Review, 10(3), 37-50. https://doi.org/10.18267/j.cebr.258 , WOS:000670006600003 Q3
    • Lejnieks, H., & Lejniece, I. (2021). Digital reality in companies as a part of corporate social responsibility during pandemic: Case of Latvia. Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities”, 21-32.
    • Linina, I., & Vevere, V. (2021). Retailers’ socially responsible communication in the situation of global pandemic. The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020. SHS Web of Conference, 92. https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20219206020
    • Linina, I., & Vevere, V. (2021). Critical thinking as grounds of socially responsible communication. Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference, 1, 149-154. https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2021vol1.6572
    • Vevere, V., Linina, I., & Shina, I. (2020). Insert module of corporate social responsibility and ethics in business studies curriculum. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership For All - ICLEL 2020, Sakarya University, Turkey
    • Brencis, A., Shina, I., & Brence, I., (2020). Social entrepreneurship opportunities in Latvian municipalities. Acta Prosperitatis, 11, 20-42.
    • Shina, I., & Vevere, V. (2020). Impact of laws and regulations on corporate social responsibility to the charity programmes of Latvian commercial banks. Proceedings of the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, 11-12.
    • Vevere, V., & Brante, I. (2020). Corporate social responsibility risks of enterprise board members. Balkan Social Science Review, 15, 219-235. SCOPUS
    • Daudisa, T., & Vevere, V. (2020). Importance of professional ethics and corporate social responsibility within business studies curriculum within context global economy. SHS Web of Conferences, 74, EDP Sciences. WOS:000528040800071
    • Cerkovskis, E. (2020). Globalization impact on the social and economic development of countries. Proceedings of the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, 52-55.

    Master theses:

    • Jothish Chandran Subha. An assessment of corporate social responsibility and its impact on customer purchase intention in Fast moving consumer goods industry in Southern India
    • Imants Krastiņš. Possibilities to reduce the negative impact of the administrative-territorial reform on the satisfaction of residents and employees in Ādaži municipality
    • Zane Meistere. Covid-19 impact on social entrepreneurship in Latvia

    Related projects:


    • 2023/09/28-29. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Sustainable and Socially Responsible Development in the Network of Socioeconomic Relations”, Gdansk, Poland. Metrics of university social responsibility – an empirical study
    • 2023/06/29-30. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Contemporary issues in economy”, Olstin, Business students’ social entrepreneurship competence: Evidence from private universities in Latvia and Czech Republic
    • 2023/05/12-13. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, Vilnius, Lithuania. Competences necessary for a social entrepreneur: A case study of Latvia.
    • 2023/05/12-13. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, Vilnius, Lithuania. Impact of country-level cultural development on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
    • 2023/04/19-21. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities” – eTECH 2023, Rīga, Latvia. The relationship between economic development and human development in Latvia
    • 2023/04/19-21. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities” – eTECH 2023, Rīga, Latvia. Micro-CSR: The impact of small-scale CSR initiatives on consumer behaviour and loyalty
    • 2023/04/19-21. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities” – eTECH 2023, Rīga, Latvia. The role of universities in the institutional system of social enterprises in Latvia
    • 2023/04/13. Report at the International Scientific Conference on European Processes “ICEP 2023”, Kaunas, Lithuania. Social innovation and gender equality in higher education institutions: Evidence from private university in Latvia
    • 2022/10/12-13. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Impact of Covid-19 on social entrepreneurship in Latvia in the European Union context
    • 2021/06/17-18. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Environment. Technology. Resources”, Rezekne, Latvia. Critical thinking as grounds of socially responsible communication
    • 2021/04/23. Report at the International Scientific Conference on European Processes “ICEP 2021”, Kaunas, Lithuania. Social entrepreneurship intentions among business students in Latvia
    • 2021/04/21-23. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities” – eTECH 2021, Rīga, Latvia. Digital reality in companies as a part of corporate social responsibility during pandemic: Case of Latvia
    • 2021/04/21-23. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities” – eTECH 2021, Rīga, Latvia. Impact of laws and regulations on corporate social responsibility and public benefit organizations in Latvia
    • 2020/12/1-3. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges - ISEC’2020”, Sumi State University, Ukraine. Impact of laws and regulations on corporate social responsibility to the charity programmes of Latvian commercial banks
    • 2020/10/21-22. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020”, Rajecke Teplice, Slovakia. Retailers’ socially responsible communication in the situation of global pandemic
    • 2020/10/16. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Economics and Entrepreneurship - SCEE’2020”, Riga, Latvia. Good governance - utopia or reality in a pandemic
    • 2020/09/11-12. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Education-Culture-Society”, online. Impact of cultural background on business student attitude to corporate social responsibility
    • 2020/07/16-18. Report at the International Scientific Conference “Lifelong Education and Leadership for All - ICLEL 2020”, Sakarya University, Turkey. Insert module of corporate social responsibility and ethics in business studies curriculum
    • 2020/07/16, Report at the International Scientific Conference "Lifelong Education and Leadership for All”, online. Insert module of corporate social responsibility and ethics in business studies curriculum
    • 2020/04/21. Report at the International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Economy: The Latvian Story”, Riga, Latvia. Social entrepreneurship opportunities in Latvian municipalities
    • 2023/05/12-13. Sannikova, A. Best presentation award for the presentation “Competences necessary for a social entrepreneur: A case study of Latvia” at the international scientific conference “Business and Management 2023”, Vilnius, Lithuania
    • 2022/10/13. Sannikova, A. Online social entrepreneurship conference of the Ministry of Welfare “Cooperation as a Key to Success”. Participant of the panel discussion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMVvhMmVxio


    • Latvian Association of Social Enterprises (LSUA). https://sua.lv/biedri/
    • Association of Latvian economists (LEA). http://leaekonomisti.lv/par-lea/
    • Social entrepreneurship accelerator "New Door", financed by the European Social Fund. Cooperation agreement No. 16-10/23/01
    • “Reach for Change”
    • SIA “Numeri” (Riga, Latvia) (research theme "Employee entrepreneurial competences in relation to business and social aspects of organizational development", EKA project on entrepreneurship competences)





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