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2021. gada 23.augustā ar Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskolas Valdes lēmumu tika dibināta EKA Zinātniskā Padome. Tās nolikums tika apstiprināts 2021.gada 26.augustā EKA Senāta sēdē. 2021.gada 16. septembrī tika organizēta pirmā Zinātniskās Padomes sēde, kurā tika ievēlēta ZP priekšsēdētāja – EKA profesore Velga Vēvere.

Zinātniskās Padomes kompetencē ietilpst:

  • EKA prioritāro pētniecības virzienu noteikšana;
  • EKA docētāju un studējošo pētnieciskā darba plānošana;
  • EKA zinātnisko pasākumu plānošana;
  • EKA zinātnisko mācību grāmatu rekomendēšana publicēšanai;
  • Priekšlikumu sagatavošana EKA Senātam zinātniskās darbības attīstībai EKA;
  • EKA Zinātniskās un radošās darbības stratēģijas Rīcības plāna izpildes izvērtēšana;
  • EKA pētnieku, vadošo pētnieku un zinātnisko asistentu konkursu sagatavošana un ieteikumu par kandidātiem sniegšana EKA Senātam;
  • EKA profesoru un asociēto profesoru darba snieguma vērtēšana (Augstskolu likuma 34(3).pants) un atzinuma iesniegšana EKA Rektoram.

Padomes priekšsēdētāja: Prof. Velga Vēvere

Padomes locekļi:

  • Prof. Inga Šīna, studiju programmu “Biznesa vadība”, “Mārketings” direktore;
  • Prof. Vita Zariņa, studiju programmas “Biznesa ekonomika” direktore;
  • Prof. Jeļena Titko, Zinātņu un starptautisko attiecību prorektore;
  • Asoc. Prof. Oksana Lentjušenkova, Rektore;
  • Asoc. Prof. Karina Zalcmane, studiju prorektore, studiju programmas "Tiesību zinātne" direktore;
  • Kristīne Užule, pētniece;
  • Dr.oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare, pētniece, EKA ZI attīstības vadītāja
  • Rita Vidže, EKA Studentu pašpārvaldes pārstāve, studiju programmas “Vadības zinības” studente;

Padomes sekretāre: doc. Kristīne Užule

EKA Zinātniskās Padomes nolikums 

ZInātniskās Padomes locekļi

Velga VēvereDr. Velga VEVERE is a Professor at the EKA University of Applied Sciences; the senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. She is an expert of the Science Council of Latvia in two fields – philosophy and management. Her scientific interests range from the history of philosophy (existentialism, phenomenology, American pragmatism), the contemporary issues in philosophy (social/societal aspects, communication, feminism) to the ones in corporate social responsibility, business ethics. She has published more than 50 articles and 3 monographs.



Inga ŠīnaDr. Inga SHINA is a Professor at the EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). She also holds an administrative position as the Program Director of Master degree program Business Administration and 1st level professional higher education study program Marketing. She is an expert in the field Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Latvian Council of Science; an author of more than 30 scientific papers in the field of economics, business, management and education, corporate social and environmental responsibility; co-author of two books: “Vide un ekonomika” (Environment and Economics) and “Green Economics: Policy and Practice in Eastern Europe”. She is the head of ES Eurydice project, which compiles analytical reports on European national education systems and current education policy issues. She is the Managing Editor of the Scientific Journal “Economics and Business”.



Vita ZariņaDr. Vita ZARINA is a Professor and a Director of program Business Economics at the EKA University of Applied Sciences. She has a practical work experience as a chief accountant and director of the Finance Department. Has been an editor of the professional magazine Bilance, has published there several articles, organized round-table discussions on actual topics. Participated in the organization of  international and professional conferences, as well as presented with researches in several international scientific conferences, published researches in scientific journals and proceedings, author and co-author of several textbooks and monographs.


Jeļena TitkoDr. Jelena TITKO graduated from Riga Technical University (2005) and defended her dissertation in 2012. In 2008-2015 worked at Riga Technical University as an academic staff member and a researcher. Currently, holds the positions of the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation and the Professor at EKA University of Applied Sciences, as well as a researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LATVIA). She is an expert of the Latvian Council of Science in the field of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Education management. The author of more than 70 scientific papers in the field of economics, business, management and education. Expert representing Latvia in Eurydice study “Digital Education at School in Europe”. She is an Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Economics and Culture” and a member of a scientific board of the journal "Business, Management and Economics Engineering".


Oksana LentjušenkovaDr. Oksana LENTJUŠENKOVA is an Associate Professor at the EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia); she also holds an administrative position as a Rector of EKA University of Appried Sciences. In 2006 – 2015 she worked in Alberta College as a director of college. She has teaching experience since 2000. She is an expert in the field of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Latvian Council of Science. Her research interests are focused in the field of intellectual capital management, quality assurance and strategic management.



Rita VidžeRita VIDŽE ir Ekonomikas kultūras augstskolas 2015. gada absolvente. Ieguvusi bakalaura grādu dizainā un interjera dizainera kvalifikāciju. Savu profesionālās darbības jomu galvenokārt saista ar mākslu, kultūru un dizainu. 2020. gadā Rita Vidže ir uzsākusi studijas Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskolas studiju programmā “Vadības zinības” ar mērķi attīstīt savas profesionālās prasmes un iemaņas šajā jomā. Lai arī galvenā prioritāte ir studijas, viņa ir arī aktīva studente un piedalās EKA studentu pašpārvaldes darbībā, EKA Senātā un EKA zinātniskajā padomē.


  Kristīne UŽULE

 "Dr. Kristīne UŽULE is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and a researcher at EKA University of Applied Sciences. She is an expert of the Latvian Council of Science in economics and entrepreneurship, as well as educational sciences. She has received her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Birmingham, UK, and her Master’s in Management from the Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia. She has published papers on entrepreneurship and management, Gig economy, and digital competences in a variety of contexts. Her current research interests focus on labour issues, education, entrepreneurship and sustainable practices considering the UN Sustainability Development Goals and integrated reporting framework. "


Jevgenija DEHTJARE, Dr.oec. Head of the Development of EKA Scientific Institution, Certified Career Coach, member of EUMMAS (European Marketing and Management Association) and NetworkIQ community. Graduated from Riga Technical University and worked at ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) as Business Administration in Tourism program director, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and researcher. The author of more than 55 scientific papers in the field of economics, business, management, tourism, hospitality and education.






21.06. un 22.06. līdz 15.00. 24.06.SLĒGTS. 28.06. līdz 15.00. 29.06. SLĒGTS.



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